May 29, 2012

Symphony in Silver


I always enjoy the progression of a painting and as an artist how my focus can change as the painting moves along. As I developed the Japanese tea cup the detail in the plate seemed to conflict so I simplified the plate and added a gold band around it's edge .  I also felt that I had made the tea cup too large so I brought that down to its true size.  I fussed with the eucalyptus branch for a long time and then decided that the painting felt clearer without the branch.  A lot of changes, but now I feel that the painting stands stronger and is clearer in it's message to the viewer.  The last representation is the finished painting but the photograph does not represent the true colors of the painting.

Grandson Edward Gage Smith

Grandson Edward 10X14
We were blessed this last November with the birth of our first grandson Edward Gage Smith. He is a cheerful little Australian/American with big blue eyes and a wonderful smile.  As Grandparents we were able to spend time with he and his parents this winter.  I came away with such wonderful memories I had to paint a picture of him so I could feel close to him all of the time - so here he is!